Mike Butler – Architectural Photographer

Mike Butler's Photography Blog

Category: Advertising Photographer

Hotel Photography

Capturing Buildings with new Eyes

Architectural photography assignments are a bit like presents, each holds unknown surprises until opened. They come with challenges and perks, and with some skill and good luck, can result in amazing images, diamonds on the top of the proverbial assignment cake.  It is these “diamonds” that I as an image

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How To Get The Best Lighting For Your Interior Design Photography

Interior design photography is a unique and specialized type of photography that requires a different set of skills than traditional portrait or landscape photography. In order to take great interior design photos, you need to understand how to use light to your advantage and create an aesthetic that will appeal

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The Different Types of Hospitality Photography

The Different Types of Hospitality Photography

Hospitality photography is a broad term that includes all kinds of spa, bar, restaurant, hotel & any other hospitality business photography. Though these can be very different types of venues, they all have one thing in common – the people who work there are usually welcoming and friendly to their

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What is hospitality photography?

Hospitality photography means capturing the spirit of a hotel, restaurant, bar or other facility. The photos taken of a space can help to show off the history and ambiance of a space that can’t be conveyed in words. On top of that, the photos produced can be used as an

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Fashion + Jewelry!

When I was approached by the owner of Atteza Jewelry to photograph their campaign I jumped at the opportunity!  Although outside my strick field of expertise architecture, which requires teutonic precession and workflow, this assignment would allow me to develop and re-discover my original and more natural approach to the

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Tortillas Galore!

Any photographer will tell you one of the best aspects of our job is the unpredictability of what we may be shooting next week. There may be a long string of homes and then in a sudden flash, you are shooting a yacht from a helicopter or as in this

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